
Thursday, May 6, 2010


The GPS tells me we will be home at 3:36. That time can't come soon enough. More than ever before, we can't wait to be home.

To be reunited with our family.

To be renewed and to rest.

To be reminded of all the blessings God has given us.

We remember even now that 3 weeks ago our doubting began. It isn't that we doubt God, we know He is sovereign. It is more that we doubt His plan will be a plan we like.

We doubted that the agency would choose us for the girls. God chose us.

We doubted that we could find the funds to pay for the adoption on short notice. God, through many of you, provided more than we needed, and continues to make money stress not a worry.

We doubted our ability to bond with adopted children. God gave us an instant, deep love for both of our daughters and plenty of time one on one to bond with them.

We doubted that the judge and others would find us fit parents. God granted us the privelege of hearing every person in the room affirm us and finish the proceeding in 25 minutes making the girls legally ours.

We doubted that Gaby would ever breath on her own. God gave her 2 days so far of breathing on her own.

We doubted that Gaby would ever eat from a bottle. God let us begin to teach her to eat.

We doubted that we could make the decision that was best for Gaby's care longterm. God gave us the strength and clarity to make that decision, the first of many we will make.

Even through faith and trusting, the moments of human doubt enter, and yet God provides. He has provided through every step of this journey, and we believe He will provide for the remainder of the waiting and healing, no matter the length of time.


  1. My heart is broken for you. Continuing to pray and trust in God's plan for all this.

  2. I was so happy reading this because if your GPS was right, YOU ARE HOME!!!! Praying Gaby will be home soon also. Much love and prayers.

  3. It is Tuesday 5/11, and I was just re-reaading the blog and savoring the pictures of our precious family. Why are we so pleasantly surprised at God's goodness? Yet, when I stand by and observe from a slightly prejudiced (fatherly) viewpoint the Godly character that you both have demonstrated throughout this ordeal I am blessed beyond description. What a vivid reminder of why we continue to put our trust in the One who is able to do "exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever think or imagine"! I can't wait to see what incredible additions Gaby and Macy become to our family. God bless you all! Grandpa Mark
