
Friday, December 7, 2012

need your help for a trip

In 3 weeks, Gabe and I were going to be boarding a plane with 16 friends to serve with Visiting Orphans in Kenya and Uganda as trip leaders.  We have been planning this trip for 8 months.  BUT God likes to make His own plans and REALLY screw with ours.

Instead I will be getting on a plane alone in 3 weeks and going to Ghana to spend time with Emmanuel and serve there.

(We prayerfully desire and hope we can again serve God through Visiting Orphans ministry in the future.  We pray for our team, that they will be Jesus' hands and feet and that He will reveal to them what He wants next from them.)

I am SUPER excited, EXTREMELY nervous, and LIVING in planning mode.  Planning for the family here.  Planning for the trip there.  Planning for what Emmanuel needs.  Planning for the places that he and I can go and serve together for the 3 weeks I will be there. (Looking for ministries we can partner with in Ghana.)  Planning for the way that he will be able to come home with me when I fly back on January 17th.

So all the plans aren't in line, but we are stepping out in faith knowing that this is where God is leading.

We could use your help.  Please pray for this trip.  That all the details will fall into place.  That the funds needed for the trip will be here when they are needed.  That God will work and Emmanuel will be able to come home with me.  That regardless of ALL those things, God will receive glory.  That Emmanuel and I will have a sweet time of bonding as mama and son.

To give you an idea of what this trip will cost:
Airfare:  $3500
Lodging: $450 (good thing I am low maintenance!)
Meals:  $5 each twice a day for both of us
Transportation:  $100
Adoption Fees:  $1000
Communication with back home:  $200

Is there a piece of that you can help with?  A $5 piece, a $100 piece?

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to this part of our adoption, you can do that through Lifesong.  Every gift counts.  There is none too small.  We need about $2000 more at this stage.

Mail checks to: Lifesong for Orphans PO Box 40 202 N Ford St. Gridley, IL 61744

Or donate online here.

Designate your gift:  Brown #2595 Adoption

We will be purchasing airline tickets this weekend, before they jump up again in price.  Flying Delta.  If you know anyone who can donate airline miles, please contact us quickly.  It takes about 75,000 miles to get me over there and home.  And 50,000 to get E home.

Please join us in watching God unfold this next step in our family's life as we strive to continue making it all about HIM.


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