
Sunday, August 12, 2012

2 years

Hard to believe it has been 2 years since our little Gaby went to be with Jesus.  Seems like just yesterday, but also seems so far from today.

There still isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her.  Think about what it would have been like to be her mom here on earth for longer.  Think what it would be like to hold her again.  Think what she would be like now at 2 1/2 years old.  Wonder how much Macy will miss her as she grows older.

She is a part of our conversations at home a lot now that Macy is speaking in sentences.  If you ask, "Who is Gaby?"  Macy says in a sing-songy voice, "Gaby is my twin."  She will tell you that Gaby lives in heaven with Jesus.  That her heart didn't work good.  That grandpa went to sleep and he is in heaven with Gaby too.  If we're outside she will point up to the sky as she tells the story.  All those things are connected in her little mind.

It is much easier for me to look back on the time we had with Gaby and recognize its purposes in our lives, in her life, and in others lives now.  Her life was full, complete, and good.  It had and still has purpose and meaning for so many people.  For our family, her life was the catalyst that brought us to the full purpose God has for our family:  to speak up for those that can't speak for themselves, to love until it hurts, and to give God glory above all.

Our prayer for you is that God will reveal His purposes to you.  That you will embrace them, stand up and make them happen.  Following God takes movement.  You need to be on your knees daily, but you also have to get up off of your knees and be moved into action.  Don't always wait for the burning bush moment to come and announce all that you are to do with your life for God.  You may find your life passes by and it wasn't much about God at all.  See the bush, step towards it, if it catches on fire and is of God, keep moving towards it.  If it doesn't, look to Him for the next bush.  He will keep putting them there, He promises that.

Celebrating the life of Gaby Hope Brown.  Praising God for His faithfulness in her life.  Thanking Him for all He has done and continues to do in ours.


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