
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

still here

Friends are telling me that it has been too long since I have posted. They are suggesting that I am going to lose my following. Which completely cracks me up, because that sounds so NOT my life, to have a following. But I am told that when you follow God with your life, people are intrigued by that. So if God working in our family interests you, here you go...

We have been so busy living life, that typing about life hasn't been happening. Sorry about that. My typing on this blog reflects my relationship with Christ over the past months in some ways. When I read back over past entries I remember how close I felt to Christ and how much I was leaning on Him minute by minute not just sometimes. It was in those times that I sat down and shared my thoughts with all of you here. How NOT SURPRISING at all that now that life is settling into our "new normal" that I would abandon that closeness with Christ and this blog. Not because I want to or consciously choose to neglect either, but because I don't actively choose to make the effort. Very lazy, I know.

So, while I may not sit down every day at this blog, I am determined to sit down every day and be close with my Savior, giving Him the chance to speak into my crazy LOUD life. Today that looks like watching the rain while praying over my new sleeping daughters. I thank God for creating them in a womb that wasn't my own. I pray for their lives. I pray that they will first come to know Jesus as their Savior. That they will serve Him and love Him with a passionate CRAZY love. I pray that they will always feel loved and supported. I pray that they will grow to become strong, independent women that are Christ-like examples for others around them and have families and friends that are as wonderful as mine when they are mommies. I pray for continued healing in their lives. I pray for the many lives they touch every day through the amazing story of their life so far. I can only imagine what God has in store for them over the next 100 years, when the first 5 months of their lives have been so God-honoring.

Off now to spend more time with the One who makes life worth living. May you see Him moving and speaking in your life today.

(for new pics, see May pics on the side)

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