
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Browns

The Bible states in Luke 12:48, “from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” I have never thought much about the scripture or really, for some reason, never thought that it applied to me. That is until three years ago when we met a family that had adopted two children from the country of Ethiopia. Amanda and I began to reflect and realize how blessed we are and how these children’s life has been impacted because of a families sacrifice to change these children’s life. At that moment, we began to pray that God would challenge us, personally and as a family. We prayed that God would use us as an instrument to change others. We did not know what He had in mind, but we thought we were being obedient. We felt that God maybe calling us to adopt, but was hesitant due to our busy schedule.

We continued to pray that God would use us and He continued to speak to us about adoption. We again made excuses and carried on with our lives.
One Sunday morning during prayer time I began to pray that God would use our family to impact His kingdom. I feel like God stopped tapping me on the shoulder and began to push. He began placing things in both Amanda and my life that confirmed what we already knew: God was calling us to expand our family and adopt. We began to feel at peace with our decision. We stopped making excuses and began to rely on God. For two people that consider themselves independent, this was a task in itself. We still have fears and concerns but we have seen personally how God has worked through them.

God has used this journey to teach our daughters the importance of following his call and to be obedient. He has allowed us to use our journey to share our testimony to unbelievers and those who may be struggling in their faith. We believe that God is using this adoption to reach more than just a child a thousand miles away. We have found that God is using us to inform others of the need to help orphans, internationally as well as domestically.

We are thankful for a God that He is faithful as well as persistent. We have found that following Him in this journey has caused our family to grow stronger, our priorities to change and most of all our walk with Him continues to become stronger.
This is why we feel we are being called to adopt a child and give that child a forever family.

We'd love to have you follow our journey on our family blog,

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