
Monday, August 9, 2010

Treasured Moments

I spent this weekend with Gaby at the hosptial and it was special. She had a pretty good couple of days and spent most of the days with her eyes open. We were able to make eye contact and "chat'. It was a nice change.

The weekend ended on the highest note possible. In an impromptu conversation with the doctor, she said, "let me know when you guys want to hold her and I'll make it happen." My response was, "Now? I want to hold her now." 5 minutes later I was holding Gaby for the first time since June 23rd (46 days).

We don't know what God's plan is for Gaby, but this was a weekend of Treasured Moments and I am thankful.


  1. That is the BEST! Praise God! I am sure that is what little Gaby needed too!

    Amy O.

  2. Oh WOW! Holding Gaby will be as good for you as it is for her. Praise God!!
